Un chat peint au pochoir semblant plonger dans un coffret électrique.
Chambéry, mars 2024.

Tabula rasa

Lyon (France), le

Mesurer trois fois, couper une fois.

Posting personal topics is a vulnerability that should make us want to take back power. We've already decided to take back our web by owning our content on our own domains. What can we do about protecting ourselves and intellectual property? I want to feel empowered to write about things that I can't talk about anywhere else, on my site, under my name, it is why I have blogs. I don't have an answer to this yet, and I don't know that anyone else does either.

— Apple Annie, « Your blog is a vulnerability », 20 juillet 2024.

Technologists are great at incremental fixes, but to regenerate entire habitats, we need to learn from ecologists who take a whole-systems view. Ecologists also know how to keep going when others first ignore you and then say it’s too late, how to mobilize and work collectively, and how to build pockets of diversity and resilience that will outlast them, creating possibilities for an abundant future they can imagine but never control. We don’t need to repair the internet’s infrastructure. We need to rewild it.

— Maria Farrell & Robin Berjon, « We Need To Rewild The Internet », Noéma, 16 avril 2024.

Couper une fois, laisser fleurir.